B. D. Home. → 2a. | → Lesson 2. Grammar I. → II.
Cuentos: → 6°. - 1.
• 1. Quis sum ego? Who am I? - 2. Ego non sum Stephanus. I am not Stephanus. - 3. Corinna non est puella, sed femina est. Corinna is not a girl, but a woman. - 4. Vir dormit. The man is sleeping. - 5. Tu es vir. You are a man. - 6. The boy does not sleep, but the girl sleeps. Puer non dormit, sed puella dormit. - 7. Tu Femina non es, sed puella es. You are not a woman, but you are a girl. - 8. Stephanus is puer. Stephanus is a boy. - 9. Corinna non est puella, sed femina est. Corinna is not a girl, but a woman. - 10. In urbe. In the city. - 11. Ego domi sum. I am at home. - 12. Femina scribit, sed vir non scribit. The woman writes, but the man does not write. - 13. Ea est puella. She is a girl. - 14. Femina studet. The woman studies. - 15. Quis est in urbe? Who is in the city? - 16. Stephanus studet et scribit. Stephanus studies and writes. - 17. Ego sum Livia. I am Livia. - 18. Femina scribit, sed vir non scribit. The woman writes, but the man does not write. - 19. Father: pater. -20. Mother: mater. 21. Quis est pater? Who is the father? - 22. Frater studet. The brother studies. - 23. Soror in urbe est. The sister is in the city. - 24. The sister is in the city; the mother is at home. Soror in urbe est, mater domi est. - 25. Frater studet. The brother studies. - 26. Puer sum. I am a boy. - 27. Quis est pater? Who is the father? - 28. Stephanus is a man. Stephanus est vir. - 29. Stephanus studies and writes. Stefanus studet et scribit. - 30. Livia non est vir. Livia is not a man. -
31. You are not a woman, but you are a girl. Tu femina non es, sed puella es. - 32. Tu es puer. You are a boy. - 33. Tu femina non es, sed puella es. - 34. You are not a woman, but you are a girl. - 35. Ego sum puer. I am a boy. - 36. Corinna non est puella, sed femina est. Corinna is not a girl, but a woman. - 37. Ego sum puer. I am a boy. - 38. Puer sum. I am a boy. - 39. The father writes at home. Pater domi scribet. - 40. Soror in urbe studet. The sister studies in the city. - 41. The sister is in the city; the mother is at home. Soror est in urbe; mater domi est. Soror in urbe est, mater domi est. - 42. Frater studet. The brother studies. - 43. The father does non sleep. Pater non dormit. - 44. Quis est mater? Who is the mother? - 45. The man is sleeping. Vir dormit. - 46. Corinna non est puella, sed femina est. Corinna is not a girl, but a woman. - 47. The brother studies. Frater studet. - 48. Tu es puella. You are a girl. - 49. Puer sum. I am a boy. - 50. I am Livia. Ego sum Livia. - 51. Ego sum Stephanus. I am Stephanus. - 52. Vir sum. I am a man. - 53. boy puer. - 54. Livia est femina. Livia is a woman. - 55. Corinna non est puella, sed femina est. Corinna is not a girl, but a woman. - 56. Corinna est puella. Corinna is a girl. - 57. Tu femina non es, sed puella es. You are not a woman, but you are a girl. - 58. Quis es tu? Who are you? - 59. Corinna is not a girl, but a woman. Corinna est non puella, sed femina est. Corinna non est puella, sed femina est. - 60. Femina dormit. The woman is sleeping. The sister studies in the city. Soror in studet studet. The sister studies in the city. Soror in studet studet. Frater domi dormit. The brother is sleeping s at home. Ego sum femina. I am a boy. Ego sum Corinna. I am Corinna. Ego sum femina. I am a boy. Ego sum Corinna. I am Corinna. Quis est mater? Who is the mother? You are not a woman, but you are a girl. Tu femina non es, sed puella es. -
61. Livia non est vir. Livia is not a man. - 62. Quis es tu? Who are you? - 63. Corinna non est puella, sed femina est. Corinna is not a girl, but a woman. - 64. Vir dormit. The man sleeps. The man is sleeping. - 65. Corinna non est puella, sed femina est. Corinna is not a paella, but a woman. - 66. The woman is sleeping. Femina dormit. - 67. Corinna is a girl. Corinna puella est. - 68. Ego sum femina. I am a woman. - 69. boy puer- - 70. Marcus is a boy. Marcus puer est. - 71. Ego sum femina. I am a woman. - 72. Ego sum vir. I am a man. - 73. Livia est puella. Livia is a girl. - 74. Ego sum vir. I am a man. - 75. Ea est puella. She is a girl. - 76. The girl is sleeping. Puella dormit. - 77. Quis sum ego? Who am I? - 78.You are Marcus. Tu Marcus es. Tu es Marcus. - 79. You are not a woman, but you are a girl. Tu femina non es, sed puella es. - 80. Femina non sum, sed vir. I am not a woman, but a man. Frater domi dormit. The brother is sleeping at home. Marcus is a boy. Marcus est puer. The brother writes at home. Frater domi scribit. Frater domi dormit. The brother is sleeping at home. Non the boy, but the man is writing. Non puer, sed vir scribit. The sister is in the city, but the brother is at home. Soror in urbe est, sed frater domi est. Ea domi dormit? She sleeps at home Ego sum pater. I am the father. The girl is sleeping. Puella dormit. Marcus sleeps, but does not write. Marcus dormit, sed non scribit. Livia non in urbe studet. Livia does not study in the city. - 81. Femina dormit. The woman is sleeping. - 82. Marcus non est femina. Marcus is not a woman. - 83. Marcus is not a woman. Marcus nonest femina. - 84. Quis sum ego? Who am I? - 85. Marcus sleeps, but does not write. Marcus dormit, sed non scribit. - 86. Who is she?- Quis est ea? 87. Is domi dormit. He sleeps at home. - 88. The boy sleeps in the city. Puer in urbe dormit. - 89. He sleeps at home. Is domi dormit. - 90. Livia non in urbe studet. Livia does not study in the city. -
91. Femina studet et scribit. The woman studies and writes. - 92. The girl is sleeping. Puella dormit. 93. Femina scribit, sed vir non scribit. The woman writes, sed the man does not write. - 94. Ego domi sum. I am at home. - 95. The mother writes. Mater scribit. - 96. Soror studet. The soror studies. - 97. Father. Pater. - 98. The mother writes and the brother sleeps at home. Mater scribit et frater domi dormit. - 99. Pater domi scribit. The father writes at home. 100. Soror studet. The sister studies. The woman studies and writes. Femina studet et scribit. Frater domi scribit. The brother writes at home. Pater non dormit. The father does not sleep. boy puer. Soror in urbe est. The sister is in the city. Tu es pater. You are the father. Frater domi dormit. The brother sleeps at home. The brother is sleeping at home. Quis est mater? Who is the mother? The woman studies and writes. Femina studet et scribit. Soror in urbe est. The sister is in the city. 101. Who studies at home? Quis domi studet? - 102. Who is in the city? Quis in urbe est? Quis est in urbe? 103. Frater domi dormit. The brother is sleeping at home. - 104. Stephanus studies and writes. Stephanus studet et scribit. - 105. Livia is a girl. Livia puella est. - 106. Ego sum vir. I am a man. - 107. boy puer. -108. Stephanus is a boy. Stephanus est puer. - 109. Corinna femina est. Corinna is a woman. - 110. Puella sum. I am a girl. - 111. Is non est Marcus. He is not Marcus. - 112. Ea domi dormit. She sleeps at home. - 113. Ego sum vir. I am a man. - 114. Mater scribit. The mother writes. - 115. Corinna is not a girl, but a woman. Corinna non est puella, sed femina est. - 116. Puer non dormit, sed puella dormit. The boy does not sleep, but the girl sleeps. - 117. You are not a woman, but you are a girl. Tu femina non es, sed puella es. - 118. Quis est femina? Who is the woman? 119. Tu femina non es, sed puella es. You are not a woman, but you are a girl. - 120. Femina dormit. The woman is sleeping. -
121. Puella non est femina. A girl is not a woman. - 122. Quis es femina? Who is the woman? - 123. She is a girl. Ea puella est. Ea est puella. - 124. Is est Marcus. He is Marcus. - 125. Ea est soror. She is a sister. - 126. The brother is sleeping at home. Frater domi dormit. - 127. Quis est is? Who is he? - 128. Ea est puella. She is a girl. - 129. Is domi dormit. He sleeps at home. - 130. Livia studies in the city. Livia in urbe studet. 131. Tu non es pater. You are not the father. - 132. I am a girl. Ego puella sum. - 133i. Ego sum Stephanus. I am Stephanus. - 134. father pater. - 135. The mother writes. Mater scribit. - 137. Soror in urbe est. The sister is in the city. - 138. Pater non dormit. The father does not sleep. - 140. The boy studies in the city. Puer in urbe studet. - 141. Not the boy, but the man is writing. Non puer, sed vir scribit. - 142. Quis domi scribit? Who writes at home? - 143. Corinna domi non dormit. Corinna does not sleep at home. - 144. Ea domi dormit. She sleeps at home. - 145. Is non est Marcus. He is not Marcus. - 146. The sister studies. Soror studet. - 147. I am the father. Ego sum pater. - 148. Marcus writes and does not sleep. Marcus scribit et not dormit. - 149. Tu femina non es, sed puella es.You are not a woman, but you are a girl. - 150. He is Marcus. Is Marcus est. Is est Marcus. -
151. Livia is a woman. Livia est femina. - 152. Corinna non est puella, sed femina est. Corinna is not a girl, but a woman. - 153. Ego sum vir. I am a man. - 154. Tu es vir. You are a man. - 155. Corinna est puella. Corinna is a girl. - 156. I am a man. Vir sum. Ego sum vir. - 157. The sister studies in the city. Soror in urbe studet. - 158. I am a girl. Ego sum puella. - 159. Marcus est puer. Marcus is a boy. - 160. Quis domi scribit? Who writes at home? - 161. Quis dormit? Who sleeps? - 162. Ea domi dormit. She sleeps at home. - 163. I am a girl. Ego sum puella. - 164. Quis est Stephanus? Who est Stephanus? - 165. Puer sum. I am a boy. - 166. Quis es tu? Who are you? - 167. Corinna femina est. Corinna is a woman. - 168. Livia is a woman. Livia femina est. Livia est femina. - 169. The brother is sleeping at home. Frater domi dormit. - 170. Marcus est puer. Marcus is a boy. - 171. The sister studies in the city. Soror in urbe studet. - 172. I am a woman. Ego sum femina. - 173. Quis domi scribit? Who writes at home? - 174. Quis dormit? Who sleeps? - 175. Ea domi dormit. She sleeps at home. - 176. I am a girl. Ego sum puella. - 177. Quis est Stephanus? Who est Stephanus? - 178. Puer sum. I am a boy. - 179. Quis es tu? Who are you? - 180. Corinna femina est. Corinna is a woman. -
181. Livia is a woman. Livia femina est. Livia est femina. - 182. The brother is sleeping at home. Frater domi dormit. - 183. Marcus est puer. Marcus is a boy. - 184. The sister studies in the city. Soror in urbe studet. - 185. I am a woman. Ego sum femina. - 186. Quis domi studet? Who studies at home? - 187. The girl is sleeping. Puella dormit. - 188. The woman studies end writes. Femina studet et scribit. - 189. Ego sum vir. I am a man. - 190. I am not a woman, but a man. Non sum femina, sed vir. - 191. Livia is a woman. Livia femina est. - 192. Quis dormit? Who is sleeps? - 193. Ego sum pater. I am the father. - 194. Quis es tu? Who are you? - 195. Pater non dormit. The father does not sleep. - 196. I am a woman. Ego sum femina. - 197. The mother writes and the brother sleeps at home. Mater scribit et frater domi dormit. - 198. Quis est Marcus? Who is Marcus. - 199. The sister is in the city, but the brother is at home. Soror in urbe est, sed frater domi est. - 200. Corinna non est puella, sed femina est. Corinna is not a girl, but a woman. - 201. Quis domi scribit? Who writes at home? - 202. Ego sum puer. I am a boy. - 203. I am not a woman, but a man. Femina non sum, sed vir. - 204. Marcus is a man. Marcus vir est. Marcus est vir. - 205. Corinna is not a girl, but a woman. Corinna non est puella, sed femina est. 206. The father writes at home. Pater domi scribit. - 207. Tu femina non es, sed puella es. You are not a woman, but you are a girl. - 208. Quis est mater? Who is the mother? - 209. Quis est Stephanus. Who is Stephanus? - 210. Frater domi dormit. The brother is sleeping at home. -
211. The boy does not sleep, but the girl sleeps. Puer non dormit, sed puella dormit. - 212. Quis domi scribit? Who writes at home? - 213. Ego sum puer. I am a boy. - 214. Livia in urbe studet. Livia studies in the city. - 215. Livia is a girl. Livia est puella. - 216. Who is Stephanus? Quis est Stephanus? - 217. The mother writes. Mater scribit. - 218. Puer non dormit, sed puella dormit. The boy does not sleep, but the girl sleeps. - 219. Soror in urbe est, mater domi est. The sister is in the city; the mother is at home. - 220. Quis es tu? Who are you? - 221. Mater scribit. The mother writes. - 222. Marcus is not a woman. Marcus non est femina. - 223. Father pater. - 224. Livia est femina. Livia is a woman. - 225. Puer in urbe dormit. The boy sleeps in the city. - 226. Ego sum Stephanus. I am Stephanus. - 227. Is not est Marcus. He is not Marcus. - 228. Is est Marcus. He is Marcus. - 229. Quis domi studet? Who studies at home? - 230. The sister is in the city, but the brother is at home. Soror in urbe est, sed frater domi est. - 231. Tu es Marcus. You are Marcus. - 232. Frater domi dormit. The brother is sleeping at home. - 233. Tu femina non es, sed puella es.You are not a woman, but you are a girl. - 234. Pater domi scribit. The father writes at home. - 235. Is domi dormit. He sleeps at home. - 236. The sister is in the city; the mother is at home. Soror in urbe est, mater domi est. - 240. Livia est puella. Livia is a girl. -
241. Femina scribit, sed vir non scribit. The woman writes, but the man does not write. - 242. Marcus est puer. Marcus is a boy. - 243. Ea domi dormit. She sleeps at home. - 244. The mother writes and the brother sleeps at home. Mater scribit et frater domi dormit. - 245. Quis domi studet? Who studies at home? - 246. Frater studet. The brother studies. - 247. A girl is not a woman. Puella non est femina. - 248. Livia studies in the city. Livia in urbe studet. - 249. Femina dormit. The woman is sleeping. - 250. Soror in urbe est. The sister is in the city. - 251. Is domi dormit. He sleeps at home. - 252. Soror in urbe est. The sister is in the city. - 253. Vir sum. I am a man. - 254. Livia in urbe studet. Livia studies in the city. - 255. Ea est soror. She is the sister. - 256. Marcus scribit et non dormit. Marcus writes and does not sleep. - 257. The father writes at home. Pater domi scribit. - 258. Quis est is? Who is he? - 259. Quis est mater? Who is the mother? - 260. I am not a woman, but a man. Ego non femina sum, sed vir. Femina non sum, sed vir. 261. The woman studies and writes. Femina studet et scribit. - 262. I am not a woman, but a man. Ego non sum femina, sed vir. Femina non sum, sed vir. - 262. She is a girl. Ea est puella. - 263. Livia does not study in the city. Livia non in urbe studet. - 263. Soror in urbe est. The sister is in the city. - 264. Femina dormit. The woman is sleeping. - 265. The mother writes. Mater scribit. - 266. Puer non dormit, sed puella dormit. The boy does not sleep, but the girl sleeps. - 267. Soror in urbe est, mater domi est. The sister is in the city; the mother is at home. - 268. Quis es tu? Who are you? - 269. Mater scribit. The mother writes. - 270. Marcus is not a woman. Marcus non est femina. -
271. Father pater. - 272. Livia est femina. Livia is a woman. - 273. Puer in urbe dormit. The boy sleeps in the city. - 274. Ego sum Stephanus. I am Stephanus. - 275. father pater. - 276. He sleeps at home. Is domi dormit. - 277. man vir. - 278. I am a boy. Ego sum puer. - 279. Quis es is? - 280. Mater scribit et frater domi dormit. The mother writes and the brother sleeps at home. - 281. Ego sum pater. I am the father. - 282. Corinna non est puella, sed femina est. Corinna is not a girl, but a woman. - 283. Puer non dormit, sed puella dormit. - 284. Quid est is? Who is he? - 285. Puer non dormit, sed puella dormit. The boy does not sleep, but the girl sleeps. - 286. Ea domi dormit. She sleeps at home. - 287. man vir. - 288. Quis est ea? Who is she? - 289. father pater. - 290. Frater domi scribit. The brother writes at home. - 291. mother mater. - 292. Quis est ea? Who is she? - 293. The mother writes and the brother sleeps at home. Mater scribit et frater domi dormit. - 294. Marcus is a man. Marcus est vir. - 295. Where do you live? Ubi tu habitas? - 296. Quid est ei nomen? What is his name? - 297. I live in Rome. Romae habito. - 298. Nomen ei est Stephanus. His name is Stephanus. - 299. Ubi tu habitas? Where do you live? - 300. Quomodo me habeo? How am I doing? -
Interattivo - Autori - deutsch. |
Home - Fonetica - Words - Grammar - - Verbi - Lezioni - Fonti didattiche - |

31. You are not a woman, but you are a girl. Tu femina non es, sed puella es. - 32. Tu es puer. You are a boy. - 33. Tu femina non es, sed puella es. - 34. You are not a woman, but you are a girl. - 35. Ego sum puer. I am a boy. - 36. Corinna non est puella, sed femina est. Corinna is not a girl, but a woman. - 37. Ego sum puer. I am a boy. - 38. Puer sum. I am a boy. - 39. The father writes at home. Pater domi scribet. - 40. Soror in urbe studet. The sister studies in the city. - 41. The sister is in the city; the mother is at home. Soror est in urbe; mater domi est. Soror in urbe est, mater domi est. - 42. Frater studet. The brother studies. - 43. The father does non sleep. Pater non dormit. - 44. Quis est mater? Who is the mother? - 45. The man is sleeping. Vir dormit. - 46. Corinna non est puella, sed femina est. Corinna is not a girl, but a woman. - 47. The brother studies. Frater studet. - 48. Tu es puella. You are a girl. - 49. Puer sum. I am a boy. - 50. I am Livia. Ego sum Livia. - 51. Ego sum Stephanus. I am Stephanus. - 52. Vir sum. I am a man. - 53. boy puer. - 54. Livia est femina. Livia is a woman. - 55. Corinna non est puella, sed femina est. Corinna is not a girl, but a woman. - 56. Corinna est puella. Corinna is a girl. - 57. Tu femina non es, sed puella es. You are not a woman, but you are a girl. - 58. Quis es tu? Who are you? - 59. Corinna is not a girl, but a woman. Corinna est non puella, sed femina est. Corinna non est puella, sed femina est. - 60. Femina dormit. The woman is sleeping. The sister studies in the city. Soror in studet studet. The sister studies in the city. Soror in studet studet. Frater domi dormit. The brother is sleeping s at home. Ego sum femina. I am a boy. Ego sum Corinna. I am Corinna. Ego sum femina. I am a boy. Ego sum Corinna. I am Corinna. Quis est mater? Who is the mother? You are not a woman, but you are a girl. Tu femina non es, sed puella es. -

91. Femina studet et scribit. The woman studies and writes. - 92. The girl is sleeping. Puella dormit. 93. Femina scribit, sed vir non scribit. The woman writes, sed the man does not write. - 94. Ego domi sum. I am at home. - 95. The mother writes. Mater scribit. - 96. Soror studet. The soror studies. - 97. Father. Pater. - 98. The mother writes and the brother sleeps at home. Mater scribit et frater domi dormit. - 99. Pater domi scribit. The father writes at home. 100. Soror studet. The sister studies. The woman studies and writes. Femina studet et scribit. Frater domi scribit. The brother writes at home. Pater non dormit. The father does not sleep. boy puer. Soror in urbe est. The sister is in the city. Tu es pater. You are the father. Frater domi dormit. The brother sleeps at home. The brother is sleeping at home. Quis est mater? Who is the mother? The woman studies and writes. Femina studet et scribit. Soror in urbe est. The sister is in the city. 101. Who studies at home? Quis domi studet? - 102. Who is in the city? Quis in urbe est? Quis est in urbe? 103. Frater domi dormit. The brother is sleeping at home. - 104. Stephanus studies and writes. Stephanus studet et scribit. - 105. Livia is a girl. Livia puella est. - 106. Ego sum vir. I am a man. - 107. boy puer. -108. Stephanus is a boy. Stephanus est puer. - 109. Corinna femina est. Corinna is a woman. - 110. Puella sum. I am a girl. - 111. Is non est Marcus. He is not Marcus. - 112. Ea domi dormit. She sleeps at home. - 113. Ego sum vir. I am a man. - 114. Mater scribit. The mother writes. - 115. Corinna is not a girl, but a woman. Corinna non est puella, sed femina est. - 116. Puer non dormit, sed puella dormit. The boy does not sleep, but the girl sleeps. - 117. You are not a woman, but you are a girl. Tu femina non es, sed puella es. - 118. Quis est femina? Who is the woman? 119. Tu femina non es, sed puella es. You are not a woman, but you are a girl. - 120. Femina dormit. The woman is sleeping. -
121. Puella non est femina. A girl is not a woman. - 122. Quis es femina? Who is the woman? - 123. She is a girl. Ea puella est. Ea est puella. - 124. Is est Marcus. He is Marcus. - 125. Ea est soror. She is a sister. - 126. The brother is sleeping at home. Frater domi dormit. - 127. Quis est is? Who is he? - 128. Ea est puella. She is a girl. - 129. Is domi dormit. He sleeps at home. - 130. Livia studies in the city. Livia in urbe studet. 131. Tu non es pater. You are not the father. - 132. I am a girl. Ego puella sum. - 133i. Ego sum Stephanus. I am Stephanus. - 134. father pater. - 135. The mother writes. Mater scribit. - 137. Soror in urbe est. The sister is in the city. - 138. Pater non dormit. The father does not sleep. - 140. The boy studies in the city. Puer in urbe studet. - 141. Not the boy, but the man is writing. Non puer, sed vir scribit. - 142. Quis domi scribit? Who writes at home? - 143. Corinna domi non dormit. Corinna does not sleep at home. - 144. Ea domi dormit. She sleeps at home. - 145. Is non est Marcus. He is not Marcus. - 146. The sister studies. Soror studet. - 147. I am the father. Ego sum pater. - 148. Marcus writes and does not sleep. Marcus scribit et not dormit. - 149. Tu femina non es, sed puella es.You are not a woman, but you are a girl. - 150. He is Marcus. Is Marcus est. Is est Marcus. -
151. Livia is a woman. Livia est femina. - 152. Corinna non est puella, sed femina est. Corinna is not a girl, but a woman. - 153. Ego sum vir. I am a man. - 154. Tu es vir. You are a man. - 155. Corinna est puella. Corinna is a girl. - 156. I am a man. Vir sum. Ego sum vir. - 157. The sister studies in the city. Soror in urbe studet. - 158. I am a girl. Ego sum puella. - 159. Marcus est puer. Marcus is a boy. - 160. Quis domi scribit? Who writes at home? - 161. Quis dormit? Who sleeps? - 162. Ea domi dormit. She sleeps at home. - 163. I am a girl. Ego sum puella. - 164. Quis est Stephanus? Who est Stephanus? - 165. Puer sum. I am a boy. - 166. Quis es tu? Who are you? - 167. Corinna femina est. Corinna is a woman. - 168. Livia is a woman. Livia femina est. Livia est femina. - 169. The brother is sleeping at home. Frater domi dormit. - 170. Marcus est puer. Marcus is a boy. - 171. The sister studies in the city. Soror in urbe studet. - 172. I am a woman. Ego sum femina. - 173. Quis domi scribit? Who writes at home? - 174. Quis dormit? Who sleeps? - 175. Ea domi dormit. She sleeps at home. - 176. I am a girl. Ego sum puella. - 177. Quis est Stephanus? Who est Stephanus? - 178. Puer sum. I am a boy. - 179. Quis es tu? Who are you? - 180. Corinna femina est. Corinna is a woman. -
181. Livia is a woman. Livia femina est. Livia est femina. - 182. The brother is sleeping at home. Frater domi dormit. - 183. Marcus est puer. Marcus is a boy. - 184. The sister studies in the city. Soror in urbe studet. - 185. I am a woman. Ego sum femina. - 186. Quis domi studet? Who studies at home? - 187. The girl is sleeping. Puella dormit. - 188. The woman studies end writes. Femina studet et scribit. - 189. Ego sum vir. I am a man. - 190. I am not a woman, but a man. Non sum femina, sed vir. - 191. Livia is a woman. Livia femina est. - 192. Quis dormit? Who is sleeps? - 193. Ego sum pater. I am the father. - 194. Quis es tu? Who are you? - 195. Pater non dormit. The father does not sleep. - 196. I am a woman. Ego sum femina. - 197. The mother writes and the brother sleeps at home. Mater scribit et frater domi dormit. - 198. Quis est Marcus? Who is Marcus. - 199. The sister is in the city, but the brother is at home. Soror in urbe est, sed frater domi est. - 200. Corinna non est puella, sed femina est. Corinna is not a girl, but a woman. - 201. Quis domi scribit? Who writes at home? - 202. Ego sum puer. I am a boy. - 203. I am not a woman, but a man. Femina non sum, sed vir. - 204. Marcus is a man. Marcus vir est. Marcus est vir. - 205. Corinna is not a girl, but a woman. Corinna non est puella, sed femina est. 206. The father writes at home. Pater domi scribit. - 207. Tu femina non es, sed puella es. You are not a woman, but you are a girl. - 208. Quis est mater? Who is the mother? - 209. Quis est Stephanus. Who is Stephanus? - 210. Frater domi dormit. The brother is sleeping at home. -
211. The boy does not sleep, but the girl sleeps. Puer non dormit, sed puella dormit. - 212. Quis domi scribit? Who writes at home? - 213. Ego sum puer. I am a boy. - 214. Livia in urbe studet. Livia studies in the city. - 215. Livia is a girl. Livia est puella. - 216. Who is Stephanus? Quis est Stephanus? - 217. The mother writes. Mater scribit. - 218. Puer non dormit, sed puella dormit. The boy does not sleep, but the girl sleeps. - 219. Soror in urbe est, mater domi est. The sister is in the city; the mother is at home. - 220. Quis es tu? Who are you? - 221. Mater scribit. The mother writes. - 222. Marcus is not a woman. Marcus non est femina. - 223. Father pater. - 224. Livia est femina. Livia is a woman. - 225. Puer in urbe dormit. The boy sleeps in the city. - 226. Ego sum Stephanus. I am Stephanus. - 227. Is not est Marcus. He is not Marcus. - 228. Is est Marcus. He is Marcus. - 229. Quis domi studet? Who studies at home? - 230. The sister is in the city, but the brother is at home. Soror in urbe est, sed frater domi est. - 231. Tu es Marcus. You are Marcus. - 232. Frater domi dormit. The brother is sleeping at home. - 233. Tu femina non es, sed puella es.You are not a woman, but you are a girl. - 234. Pater domi scribit. The father writes at home. - 235. Is domi dormit. He sleeps at home. - 236. The sister is in the city; the mother is at home. Soror in urbe est, mater domi est. - 240. Livia est puella. Livia is a girl. -
241. Femina scribit, sed vir non scribit. The woman writes, but the man does not write. - 242. Marcus est puer. Marcus is a boy. - 243. Ea domi dormit. She sleeps at home. - 244. The mother writes and the brother sleeps at home. Mater scribit et frater domi dormit. - 245. Quis domi studet? Who studies at home? - 246. Frater studet. The brother studies. - 247. A girl is not a woman. Puella non est femina. - 248. Livia studies in the city. Livia in urbe studet. - 249. Femina dormit. The woman is sleeping. - 250. Soror in urbe est. The sister is in the city. - 251. Is domi dormit. He sleeps at home. - 252. Soror in urbe est. The sister is in the city. - 253. Vir sum. I am a man. - 254. Livia in urbe studet. Livia studies in the city. - 255. Ea est soror. She is the sister. - 256. Marcus scribit et non dormit. Marcus writes and does not sleep. - 257. The father writes at home. Pater domi scribit. - 258. Quis est is? Who is he? - 259. Quis est mater? Who is the mother? - 260. I am not a woman, but a man. Ego non femina sum, sed vir. Femina non sum, sed vir. 261. The woman studies and writes. Femina studet et scribit. - 262. I am not a woman, but a man. Ego non sum femina, sed vir. Femina non sum, sed vir. - 262. She is a girl. Ea est puella. - 263. Livia does not study in the city. Livia non in urbe studet. - 263. Soror in urbe est. The sister is in the city. - 264. Femina dormit. The woman is sleeping. - 265. The mother writes. Mater scribit. - 266. Puer non dormit, sed puella dormit. The boy does not sleep, but the girl sleeps. - 267. Soror in urbe est, mater domi est. The sister is in the city; the mother is at home. - 268. Quis es tu? Who are you? - 269. Mater scribit. The mother writes. - 270. Marcus is not a woman. Marcus non est femina. -
271. Father pater. - 272. Livia est femina. Livia is a woman. - 273. Puer in urbe dormit. The boy sleeps in the city. - 274. Ego sum Stephanus. I am Stephanus. - 275. father pater. - 276. He sleeps at home. Is domi dormit. - 277. man vir. - 278. I am a boy. Ego sum puer. - 279. Quis es is? - 280. Mater scribit et frater domi dormit. The mother writes and the brother sleeps at home. - 281. Ego sum pater. I am the father. - 282. Corinna non est puella, sed femina est. Corinna is not a girl, but a woman. - 283. Puer non dormit, sed puella dormit. - 284. Quid est is? Who is he? - 285. Puer non dormit, sed puella dormit. The boy does not sleep, but the girl sleeps. - 286. Ea domi dormit. She sleeps at home. - 287. man vir. - 288. Quis est ea? Who is she? - 289. father pater. - 290. Frater domi scribit. The brother writes at home. - 291. mother mater. - 292. Quis est ea? Who is she? - 293. The mother writes and the brother sleeps at home. Mater scribit et frater domi dormit. - 294. Marcus is a man. Marcus est vir. - 295. Where do you live? Ubi tu habitas? - 296. Quid est ei nomen? What is his name? - 297. I live in Rome. Romae habito. - 298. Nomen ei est Stephanus. His name is Stephanus. - 299. Ubi tu habitas? Where do you live? - 300. Quomodo me habeo? How am I doing? -
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