giovedì 6 febbraio 2020

Grammar Duolingo Latino: 2.2 How are you?

B. D. H.
Grammar: 2.Tips. 2.1 Nomen mihi est.  ↔ 2.3 -ne?

How are you?

You will learn two ways to ask how someone is doing in this skill.
1) Quid + ago? -> Quid agis?
Literally, this means "What are you doing?"
Subject Verb
ego ago
tu agis
is, ea agit
2) Quomodo + se + habeo? -> Quomodo te habes?
Literally, this means "How do you have yourself/How do you feel?"
Subject Verb
ego habeo
tu habes
is, ea habet
Se is the reflexive pronoun. (-self in English)
Subject Pronoun Reflexive Pronoun English
ego me myself
tu te yourself
is, ea se himself/herself


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